Alexander Bassen is a professor of capital markets and management and Head of the Center for a Sustainable University at the University of Hamburg, Germany. He holds doctoral degrees (Ph.D. and German Habilitation) from the European Business School (Oestrich-Winkel) and the Technical University of Munich in Germany.
He is a member of the German Council for Sustainable Development - advisory body of the German Federal Government, co-chair of the UN PRI Academic Network Steering Committee, member of the Commission on Environmental, Social & Governance Issues (CESG) of the European Association of Financial Analysts Societies (EFFAS) and member of the advisory panel for sustainability of Deutsche Asset and Wealth Management (Deutsche Bank). Alex research interests are responsible investment, corporate governance, and sustainability reporting.
Bassen, A., Schiereck, D. & Thamm, C. 2016‚ Activist Shareholders and the Duration of Supervisory Board Membership: Evidence for the German Aufsichtsrat’ Journal of Corporate Ownership and Control, 12, (forthcomming)
Friede, G., Busch, T. Bassen, A. 2015. ‘ESG and financial performance: aggregated evidence from more than 2000 empirical studies’ Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment, 5, pp 210-233.
Bassen, A., Basse-Mama, H., Koch, N. & Bank, T. 2013. 'Valuation effects of corporate strategic transactions in the cleantech industry' Journal of Business Economics,83, pp. 605-630.
Koch, N. & Bassen, A. 2013. 'Valuing the carbon exposure of European utilities. The role of fuel mix, permit allocation and replacement investments 'Energy Economics, 36, pp. 431-443.
Bassen, A. & Basse-Mama, H. 2012. 'Contagion effects in the electric utility industry following the Fukushima nuclear accident. .' Applied Economics,45, pp. 3420-3429.
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