Professor Adrian Bell
Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor Research (Prosperity and Resilience)
Chair in the History of Finance

- History of Finance,
- Football Finance
Adrian is Chair in the History of Finance and Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Research – Prosperity and Resilience
Adrian is currently developing the impacts emerging from the major AHRC funded project ‘The People of 1381’ (2019-2023), an innovative research project which has produced the most comprehensive interpretation of the Peasants' Revolt to date. To follow its progress visit
He is interested in the History of Finance and recently completed a major project funded by the Leverhulme Trust with Professor Chris Brooks and Dr Helen Killick. The project “The first real estate bubble: Land Prices and Rents in Medieval England c. 1200-1550” ran for three years from 2015. The project builds upon a previous project for Leverhume with Professor Chris Brooks and Dr Tony Moore on medieval foreign exchange. A major project for the ESRC with the same team investigated the early and innovative use of credit finance by a succession of English medieval monarchs (10.5255/UKDA-SN-6880-1) and an earlier ESRC project investigated advance contracts for the supply of wool (10.5255/UKDA-SN-5325-1).
Professor Bell also specialises in the Hundred Years War and his book, War and the Soldier in the Fourteenth Century, was published by Boydell and Brewer in Autumn 2004. In 2006 he was awarded a major grant from the AHRC (jointly with Professor Anne Curry, University of Southampton) to investigate “The Soldier in Later Medieval England” for more details see The findings are outlined in a major work The Soldier in Later Medieval England, published by Oxford University Press (2013).
Adrian has also appeared on The Unexpected World of Business podcast to discuss football finance.
His working papers are available on SSRN at:
Professor Bell frequently provides expert comment for media opportunities. Longer articles and blogs are featured in the media section below.
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian BellHenley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian BellHenley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian BellHenley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian BellHenley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian BellHenley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian BellHenley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian BellHenley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian BellHenley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian BellHenley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell Helen KillickHenley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian BellHenley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian BellHenley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell Sam GibbsHenley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell Nick TaylorHenley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell Anne Curry- Adam Chapman- Andy King- David SimpkinHenley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell Tom MarkhamHenley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell Tom MarkhamHenley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell A. Curry- A. King- David SimpkinHenley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian BellHenley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian BellHenley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell Richard Steele DaleHenley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian BellHenley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian BellHenley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell Paul DryburghHenley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian BellHenley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell Paul R. DryburghHenley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell Paul R. DryburghHenley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell Paul R. DryburghHenley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell Paul R. DryburghHenley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell Anne Curry- Adam Chapman- Andy King- David SimpkinHenley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell A. Curry- A. King- David SimpkinMost recent news & media
Older news & media
- History of Finance
- Football Finance
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