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Professor Adrian Bell

Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor Research (Prosperity and Resilience)

Chair in the History of Finance

Adrian Bell


  • History of Finance, 
  • Football Finance


ICMA Centre, Whiteknights Campus

Adrian is Chair in the History of Finance and Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Research – Prosperity and Resilience

Adrian is currently developing the impacts emerging from the major AHRC funded project ‘The People of 1381’ (2019-2023), an innovative research project which has produced the most comprehensive interpretation of the Peasants' Revolt to date. To follow its progress visit

He is interested in the History of Finance and recently completed a major project funded by the Leverhulme Trust with Professor Chris Brooks and Dr Helen Killick. The project “The first real estate bubble: Land Prices and Rents in Medieval England c. 1200-1550” ran for three years from 2015. The project builds upon a previous project for Leverhume with Professor Chris Brooks and Dr Tony Moore on medieval foreign exchange. A major project for the ESRC with the same team investigated the early and innovative use of credit finance by a succession of English medieval monarchs (10.5255/UKDA-SN-6880-1) and an earlier ESRC project investigated advance contracts for the supply of wool (10.5255/UKDA-SN-5325-1).

Professor Bell also specialises in the Hundred Years War and his book, War and the Soldier in the Fourteenth Century, was published by Boydell and Brewer in Autumn 2004. In 2006 he was awarded a major grant from the AHRC (jointly with Professor Anne Curry, University of Southampton) to investigate “The Soldier in Later Medieval England” for more details see The findings are outlined in a major work The Soldier in Later Medieval England, published by Oxford University Press (2013).

Adrian has also appeared on The Unexpected World of Business podcast to discuss football finance.

His working papers are available on SSRN at:

Professor Bell frequently provides expert comment for media opportunities. Longer articles and blogs are featured in the media section below.

Reference: Singleton, C., Bell, A. R. , Chung, A. , Reade, J. J. and Urquhart, A. (2024) Scoring goals: The impact of English Premier League football teams on local university admissions. Economics Letters, 244. 111957. ISSN 1873-7374 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell
Reference: Bell, A. , Eiden, H. and Killick, H. (2024) Soldier and Speaker: Sir Richard Waldegrave’s interactions with the court of chivalry and the Peasants’ Revolt. In: Ambühl, R. and King, A. (eds.) Documenting Warfare: Records of the Hundred Years War, Edited and Translated in Honour of Anne Curry. Warfare in History (54). Boydell Press, Woodbridge, pp. 171-184. ISBN 9781837650248
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell
Reference: Niculescu, C. E., Sangiorgi, I. and Bell, A. R. (2023) Does personal experience with COVID-19 impact investment decisions? Evidence from a survey of US retail investors. International Review of Financial Analysis, 88. 102703. ISSN 1057-5219 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Dr Ivan Sangiorgi - Professor Adrian Bell
Reference: Niculaescu, C.-E., Bell, A. R. and Sangiorgi, I. (2023) Venture capital financing in the eSports industry. Research in International Business and Finance, 65. 101951. ISSN 1878-3384 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell - Dr Ivan Sangiorgi
Reference: Bell, A. R. , Brooks, C. and Brooks, R. (2023) Are English football players overvalued? Applied Economics. ISSN 1466-4283 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell
Reference: Bell, A. R. , Brooks, C. and Urquhart, A. (2022) Why have UK universities become more indebted over time? International Review of Economics and Finance, 82. pp. 771-783. ISSN 1059-0560 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell
Reference: Bell, A. R. , Brooks, C. and Killick, H. (2022) The first real estate bubble? Land prices and rents in medieval England c. 1300-1500. Research in International Business and Finance, 62. 101700. ISSN 0275-5319 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell
Reference: Bell, A. R. , Lacey, H. and Prescott, A. (2020) What can the black death tell us about the global economic consequences of a pandemic? In: Billio, M. and Varotto, S. (eds.) A New World Post COVID-19 Lessons for Business, the Finance Industry and Policy Makers. Innovation in Business, Economics & Finance (1). Ca’ Foscari University Press, Venice, pp. 35-42. ISBN 9788869694424 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell
Reference: Tao, R., Brooks, C. and Bell, A. (2021) Tomorrow’s fish and chip paper? Slowly incorporated news and the cross-section of stock returns. European Journal of Finance, 27 (8). pp. 774-795. ISSN 1466-4364 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell
Reference: Tao, R., Brooks, C. and Bell, A. R. (2020) When is a MAX not the MAX? How news resolves information uncertainty. Journal of Empirical Finance, 57. pp. 33-51. ISSN 0927-5398 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell
Reference: Bell, A. , Brooks, C. and Killick, H. (2019) A reappraisal of the freehold property market in late medieval England. Continuity and Change, 34 (3). pp. 287-313. ISSN 1469-218X doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell
Reference: Moore, T. and Bell, A. (2019) Financing the Hundred Years War. In: Curry, A. (ed.) The Hundred Years War Revisited. Problems in Focus. Macmillan International Higher Education. ISBN 9781137389862
Henley faculty authors:
Dr Tony Moore - Professor Adrian Bell
Reference: Bell, A. R. , Brooks, C. and Killick, H. (2019) Medieval property investors, ca. 1300-1500. Enterprise and Society, 20 (3). pp. 575-612. ISSN 1467-2235 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell Helen Killick
Reference: Bell, A. R. and Brooks, C. (2019) Is there a ‘magic link’ between research activity, professional teaching qualifications and student satisfaction? Higher Education Policy, 32 (2). pp. 227-248. ISSN 1740-3863 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell
Reference: Bell, A. and Moore, T. (2018) The organisation and financing of English expeditions to the Baltic during the later Middle Ages. In: Baker, G., Lambert, C. and Simpkin, D. (eds.) Military Communities in Late Medieval England, Essays in Honour of Andrew Ayton. Warfare in History. Boydell & Brewer, Woodbridge, Suffolk. ISBN 9781783272983
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell - Dr Tony Moore
Reference: Bell, A. R. and Brooks, C. (2018) What makes students satisfied? A discussion and analysis of the UK’s national student survey. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 42 (8). pp. 1118-1142. ISSN 1469-9486 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell
Reference: Bell, A. R. , Brooks, C. and Moore, T. K. (2017) Did purchasing power parity hold in medieval Europe? The Manchester School, 85 (6). pp. 682-709. ISSN 1467-9957 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell - Dr Tony Moore
Reference: Gibbs, S. and Bell, A. R. (2016) Fighting merchants. In: Allen, M. and Davies, M. (eds.) Medieval merchants and money: essays in honour of James L. Bolton. Institute of Historical Research, London, pp. 93-112. ISBN 9781909646162
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell Sam Gibbs
Reference: Bell, A. R. , Brooks, C. and Moore, T. K. (2017) Cambium non est mutuum: exchange and interest rates in medieval Europe. The Economic History Review, 70 (2). pp. 373-396. ISSN 1468-0289 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell - Dr Tony Moore
Reference: Bell, A. , Brooks, C. and Moore, T. (2015) Le credit au Moyen Age: les prets a la couronne D'Angleterre entre 1272 et 1345. In: Resources publiques et contstruction étatique en Europe XIII-XVIII siecle, 2-3 July 2012, Colloque organise par l'IGPDE avec l'Université Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne et ses laboratoires (IDHE, LAMOP, EA 127, SAMM) et le laboratoire d'excellence ReFi (heSam), pp. 117-130. (Colloque des 2 et 3 juillet 2012 sous la direction de Katia Beguin)
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell - Dr Tony Moore
Reference: Bell, A. R. , Brooks, C. and Taylor, N. (2016) Time-varying price discovery in the eighteenth century: empirical evidence from the London and Amsterdam stock markets. Cliometrica Journal of Historical Economics and Econometric History, 10 (1). pp. 5-30. ISSN 1863-2505 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell Nick Taylor
Reference: Bell, A. , Curry, A., Chapman, A., King, A. and Simpkin, D. (2013) The soldier in later Medieval England : an online database. In: Villalon, A. L.J. and Kagay, D. J. (eds.) The Hundred Years War (Part III) : further considerations. History of Warfare. Brill, Leiden, pp. 19-48. ISBN 9789004245648
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell Anne Curry- Adam Chapman- Andy King- David Simpkin
Reference: Bell, A. , Brooks, C. and Moore, T. (2013) Medieval foreign exchange: a time series analysis. In: Casson, M. and Hashimzade, N. (eds.) Large Databases in Economic History: Research Methods and Case Studies. Routledge Explorations in Economic History. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 97-123. ISBN 9780415820684
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell - Dr Tony Moore
Reference: Bell, A. , Brooks, C. and Markham, T. (2013) Does managerial turnover affect football club share prices? Aestimatio, the IEB International Journal of Finance, 7. 02-21. ISSN 2173-0164
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell Tom Markham
Reference: Bell, A. , Brooks, C. and Markham, T. (2013) The performance of football club managers: skill or luck? Economics & Finance Research, 1 (1). pp. 19-30. ISSN 2164-9480 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell Tom Markham
Reference: Bell, A. , Brooks, C. and Moore, T. (2017) The non-use of money in the Middle Ages. In: Mayhew, N. (ed.) Peter Spufford's Money and its Use in Medieval Europe - Twenty-five Years On. Royal Numismatic Society Special Publication (52). Royal Numismatic Society, pp. 137-151. ISBN 0901405698
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell - Dr Tony Moore
Reference: Bell, A. R. , Brooks, C. and Moore, T. K. (2014) The credit relationship between Henry III and merchants of Douai and Ypres, 1247-70. Economic History Review, 67 (1). pp. 123-145. ISSN 1468-0289 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell - Dr Tony Moore
Reference: Bell, A. R. , Curry, A., King, A. and Simpkin, D. (2013) The soldier in later medieval England. Oxford University Press , Oxford, pp360. ISBN 9780199680825
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell A. Curry- A. King- David Simpkin
Reference: Bell, A. (2011) English members of Philippe de Mézières' Order of the Passion. In: Blumenfeld-Kosinski, R. and Petkov, K. (eds.) Philippe de Mézières and his Age: Piety and Politics in the Fourteenth Century. The Medieval Mediterranean (91). Brill. ISBN 9789004211131
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell
Reference: Bell, A. R. (2011) The soldier, 'hadde he riden, no man ferre'. In: Bell, A. R. , Curry, A., Chapman, A., King, A. and Simpkin, D. (eds.) The Soldier Experience in the Fourteenth Century. Warfare in History. Boydell and Brewer, pp. 209-218. ISBN 9781843836742
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell
Reference: Bell, A. R. and Dale, R. S. (2011) The Medieval pilgrimage business. Enterprise and Society, 12 (3). pp. 601-627. ISSN 1467-2235 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell Richard Steele Dale
Reference: Bell, A. R. , Brooks, C. , Matthews, D. and Sutcliffe, C. (2011) Over the moon or sick as a parrot? The effects of football results on a club's share price. Applied Economics, 44 (26). pp. 3435-3452. ISSN 1466-4283 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell - Professor Charles Sutcliffe David Matthews
Reference: Bell, A. R. (2008) The fourteenth-century soldier: more Chaucer's knight or medieval career? In: France, J. (ed.) Mercenaries and Paid Men: the Mercenary Identity in the Middle Ages. History of Warfare (47). Brill, pp. 301-315. ISBN 9789004164475
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell
Reference: Bell, A. R. (2010) Medieval chroniclers as war correspondents during the Hundred Years War: the earl of Arundel's naval campaign of 1387. In: Given-Wilson, C. (ed.) Fourteenth Century England. Fourteenth Century England, VI. Boydell and Brewer, Woodbridge, pp. 171-184. ISBN 9781843835301
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell
Reference: Bell, A. R. , Brooks, C. and Dryburgh, P. (2004) Modern finance in the Middle Ages? Advance contracts with Cistercian abbeys for the supply of wool c. 1270-1330: a summary of findings. Cîteaux: Commentarii cistercienses, 55 (3-4). pp. 339-343. ISSN 0009-7497
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell Paul Dryburgh
Reference: Bell, A. R. (2004) War and the soldier in the fourteenth century. Warfare in history. Boydell & Brewer, Woodbridge, pp256. ISBN 9781843831037
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell
Reference: Bell, A. R. , Brooks, C. and Dryburgh, P. R. (2006) ‘Leger est aprendre mes fort est arendre’: wool, debt, and the dispersal of Pipewell Abbey (1280-1330). Journal of Medieval History, 32 (3). pp. 187-211. ISSN 0304-4181 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell Paul R. Dryburgh
Reference: Bell, A. R. , Brooks, C. and Dryburgh, P. R. (2007) Interest rates and efficiency in medieval wool forward contracts. Journal of Banking & Finance, 31 (2). pp. 361-380. ISSN 0378-4266 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell Paul R. Dryburgh
Reference: Bell, A. R. , Brooks, C. and Dryburgh, P. R. (2007) The English wool market, c.1230-1327. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp214. ISBN 9780521859417
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell Paul R. Dryburgh
Reference: Bell, A. , Brooks, C. and Dryburgh, P. R. (2006) Advance contracts for sale of wool c.1200-c.1327. List and Index Society, 315. List and Index Society, Kew, pp244.
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell Paul R. Dryburgh
Reference: Curry, A., Bell, A. , Chapman, A., King, A. and Simpkin, D. (2010) Languages in the military profession in later Medieval England. In: Ingham, R. (ed.) The Anglo-Norman language and its contexts. Boydell and Brewer, Woodbridge, pp. 74-93. ISBN 9781903153307
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell Anne Curry- Adam Chapman- Andy King- David Simpkin
Reference: Bell, A. R. , Brooks, C. and Moore, T. K. (2011) Credit finance in thirteenth-century England: the Ricciardi of Lucca and Edward I, 1272-1294. In: Burton, J., Lachaud, F., Schofield, P., Stöber, K. and Weiler, B. (eds.) Thirteenth-century England XIII: proceedings of the Paris conference, 2009. Thirteenth-century England (13). Boydell and Brewer, Woodbridge, pp. 101-116. ISBN 9781843836186
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell - Dr Tony Moore
Reference: Bell, A. R. , Brooks, C. and Moore, T. K. (2009) Interest in Medieval accounts: examples from England, 1272-1340. History, 94 (316). pp. 411-433. ISSN 1468-229X doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell - Dr Tony Moore
Reference: Bell, A. , Brooks, C. and Moore, A. (2009) Accounts of the English Crown with Italian merchant societies, 1272-1345. Standard List, 331. The List and Index Society, Kew, pp306. ISBN 9781906875183
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell - Dr Tony Moore
Reference: Bell, A. and Sutcliffe, C. (2010) Valuing medieval annuities: were corrodies underpriced? Explorations in Economic History, 47 (2). pp. 142-157. ISSN 0014-4983 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell - Professor Charles Sutcliffe
Reference: Curry, A., Bell, A. R. , King, A. and Simpkin, D. (2010) New regime, new army? Henry IV's Scottish expedition of 1400. The English Historical Review, CXXV (517). pp. 1382-1413. ISSN 0013-8266 doi:
Henley faculty authors:
Professor Adrian Bell A. Curry- A. King- David Simpkin

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20 December 2019