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CISI Educational Trust Award won by postgraduate student!

Peter CISI 4

MSc Corporate Finance student Peter Bamrud was presented with the CISI Educational Trust award by Dr George Alexandridis to recognise and celebrate his commitment to excellence throughout his studies at the ICMA Centre and support him as he launches his career within the finance sector.

Talking about the award, Peter said "It has been a great experience in terms of growing as a student and as an individual." He went on to say that "By being given the opportunity to reach for new goals and achievements, the CISI Educational Trust Award has helped me further realise my potential."

As a CISI Centre of Excellence, ICMA Centre students benefit from being able to study for CISI exam as part of their course. When asked his opinion on studying for a CISI Exam, Peter said "I have gained a more wholesome view of certain topics. Diving deeper into the modules like this will give me a competitive advantage when it comes to getting a job in the financial industry." He credits the CISI Diploma with "pushing my learning ambitions, and also increasing my career prospects and aspiration."

The award is available to ICMA Centre students who have consistently demonstrated excellence in their projects or exams. Students are invited to submit an essay and attend an interview with the members of the CISI Educational Trust. This gives the students a great opportunity to visit the CISI offices and network with members of the educational trust.

Published 11 April 2018

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