Dr Andreas Hoepner featured in recent FT wealth report
A recent Financial Times special wealth report titled 'Newly floated companies can prove lucrative' featured the ICMA Centre's Associate Professor of Finance, Dr Andreas Hoepner.
A recent Financial Times special wealth report titled 'Newly floated companies can prove lucrative' featured the ICMA Centre's Associate Professor of Finance, Dr Andreas Hoepner.
The article dated 19 September 2014 noted the rise of companies being floated on the stock market in recent years. Author, Jeremy Hazlehurst, analysed the merits of investing in initial public offerings (IPOs) surmising they can provide good investment opportunities as they are often companies requiring finance in order to grow.
Dr Andreas Hoepner noted that while investing in the right IPO can be lucrative, there are reasons to be wary, "Your information disadvantage is much bigger compared with an institutional investor in an IPO situation than it is with an already listed company." He added that investing in an IPO is akin to a private equity-style investment.
You can read the full FT article here and find out more about the responsible approach to Investments and Finance taught at the ICMA Centre, by learning more about the various Undergraduate and Postgraduate degrees offered.
Published | 10 October 2014 |
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