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Congratulations to PhD students Lisa and Hanyu!

Congratulations to ICMA Centre PhD students Ms Lisa Schopohl and Mr Hanyu Zhang for receiving a Scholarship for the Advanced Risk & portfolio Management Bootcamp, August 11-16 at New York University awarded by the GARP Partnership for Risk Education, in collaboration with SYMMYS.

The two ICMA Centre students were chosen from a very competitive field covering six continents. During their exciting week in New York, Lisa and Hanyu will have the chance to interact with over 300 portfolio managers, risk managers, sell-side professionals, academics, like-minded students and many high level guest speakers.

The bootcamp is designed to provide attendees with an in depth understanding of buy-side modeling from the foundations to the most advanced statistical and optimisation techniques.

Lisa is currently pursuing her PhD in the area of inter-market analysis and asset allocation under the supervision of Dr Andreas Hoepner and Professor Adrian Bell, while Hanyu is currently pursuing his PhD in the area of intraday volatility under the supervision of Dr Alfonso Dufour.

The ICMA Centre MSc Financial Risk Management is a GARP Academic Partner.

Dr Lisa Schopohl

Associate Professor of Finance
Published 18 June 2014

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