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Information on places available for 2013

We are here to take your call from 8am to 6pm today!

Places Following record applications this year, we are recruiting strongly to our programmes but we still have a limited number of places available to home, EU and international candidates across our wide portfolio of courses.

One Step Away

We are delighted that you are considering studying at the University of Reading. Take a look below to find out what you need to do now, then call us on +44 (0)118 378 7878 or email us at

Countdown to joining us at Reading

5 - Contact us by phone on +44 (0)118 378 7878

4 - Speak to our hotline team, leaving your details and we will get back to you within the hour with a decision

3 - Chat to one of our current students about life at Reading - they'll answer any questions you have

2 - If you'd like to know more, you'll be given the opportunity to visit campus and have a look around before you make your decision

1 - Choose Reading and we'll see you at the end of September!

Accommodation offer

We are able to offer a limited number of guaranteed accommodation places, on a first-come-first-served basis, to students who accept an offer to join us through adjustment or clearing.

Find out more about our fantastic accommodation >>>

Don't forget to have this information to hand when you call us

  • The course area that you are interested in studying
  • Your achieved grades
  • Your UCAS Personal ID number (10 digits)
  • We will get back to you within the hour to let you know whether we can offer you a place and to guide you through the UCAS process.

Adjustment (available from today) If you have met and exceeded the terms of your original firm choice offer elswhere but you would like to be considered for a place at Reading, you simply need to register for adjustment on UCAS Track and then contact us! Clearing If you didn't get the results you expected, the ICMA Centre still has limited spaces available on its highly ranked undergraduate programme through clearing. Call the hotline today to find out more. Visit

Find out more about the ICMA Centre, Henley Business School

Published 15 August 2013

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