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Visit from Chinese delegates to ICMA Centre

The ICMA Centre has just finished hosting 37 delegates from the Securities Association of China for a 3 week course on Asset Management studies.

The 37 students represented many various members of the Securities Association of China and came from across their nation. Many of them would never have met each other if it weren’t for their inclusion on the ICMA course.

‘The visit has been a very positive experience for both the delegates and the teaching staff,’ says Professor Adrian Bell of the ICMA Centre, ‘Not only have the members of the Securities Association learnt a lot that will help them as they move forward in their careers, but they have also had a chance to forge exciting new networks across their home country and here in the UK.’

During their last week at Reading the delegates were treated to a special evening at the Greenlands campus of Henley Business School where they were presented with their certificates and treated to a barbecue on the lawns overlooking the Thames.

Published 29 May 2012

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