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Prestigious Chevening Scholarship awarded to Vietnamese Student

A student from Vietnam has been awarded the prestigious British Council Chevening Scholarships to undertake a postgraduate degree at the ICMA Centre for the 2009/10 academic year. The award has been jointly funded by the University of Reading, and will cover 50% of the course fees which will be provided by the ICMA Centre. Mr Hung will be studying MSc Corporate Finance at the ICMA Centre.

Chevening Scholarships are prestigious awards which enable overseas students to study in the United Kingdom. The Scholarships are offered in over 130 countries and enable talented graduates to develop strong links with the UK and with other schlolars in a global network.

Candidates are selected by the British Embassy/British High Commission and the scheme is managed by the British Council, on behalf of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

Richard Homer, Political Officer at the British Embassy in Hanoi, stated:

"This really is excellent news and I wanted to pass on my thanks on behalf of the British Embassy in Hanoi and Mr Hung. We are all extremely grateful for your support for the Chevening programme in Vietnam."

For more information on the other Scholarships that the ICMA offers, please visit

Published 22 July 2009

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