Stock Market Tournament Kathy Yuan, Professor in Finance, LSE
Event information | |
Date | 25 January 2012 |
Time | 13:00-14:00 (Timezone: Europe/London) |
Venue | ICMA Centre, Room G03/04 |
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Prior to obtaining her Ph.D., she worked briefly in the Emerging Markets Trading Desk at J. P. Morgan (now JPMorgan-Chase). Her research focuses on developing new asset pricing theories with heterogeneous information and market frictions and testing their empirical implications. In the past few years, she has examined how crises spread through international financial markets and how introducing benchmark securities such as treasury bonds or stock indices improves the overall market liquidity. She is currently working on modeling systematic risk using network theory, studying higher order beliefs and strategic complementarities in the financial market, building dynamic and multi-asset REE models of asset prices with short-sale and borrowing constraints, constructing new metrics for performance evaluations, and developing new asset pricing tests based on revealed beliefs in investor portfolio holdings. She is a member of FMG, CEPR and has recently received Houblon-Norman Fellowship at the Bank of England.
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