Longevity Bonds and Mortality-linked Securities
Event information | |
Date | 23 November 2005 |
Time | 13:00-14:00 (Timezone: Europe/London) |
Venue | ICMA Centre, Room G03/04 |
Event types: |
He is well known both in the UK and internationally for his research in financial risk management for pension plans: both defined benefit and defined contribution. Much of this research focuses on the measurement of the risks borne by plan members and on how these risks can be assessed and controlled in an optimal way for the members. These interests in the assessment of financial risk have led to further research in the field of financial mathematics. Within this field he has developed a new model for bond-price dynamics for use in the measurement and management of long-term interest-rate risks in pensions and life insurance. Professor Cairns has recently completed a textbook ?Interest Rate Models: An Introduction? published by Princeton University Press. He is an active member of the UK and international actuarial profession in both research and education. Since 1996 he has been an editor of the leading international actuarial journal ASTIN Bulletin.
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