Dr Gita Persand
Lecturer in Finance
Department Director of Academic Tutoring

- Financial risk management,
- Financial econometrics
Gita Persand is a Lecturer in Finance and currently teaches on the undergraduate degree programmes, having previously taught at the Universities of Bristol and Southampton. She is the module convenor for Financial Modelling and for Introductory Finance.
Gita holds a PhD in Risk Management from the ICMA Centre. Her research is in the areas of financial risk management and financial econometrics, and she has published in various journals including the Journal of Business, Journal of Empirical Finance, Journal of Banking and Finance, Financial Analyst Journal, Journal of Applied Econometrics, andInternational Journal of Forecasting.
Henley faculty authors:
Dr Gita Persand Andrew D. ClareHenley faculty authors:
Dr Gita PersandHenley faculty authors:
Dr Gita Persand Simon BurkeHenley faculty authors:
Dr Gita PersandHenley faculty authors:
Dr Gita Persand A.D. ClareHenley faculty authors:
Dr Gita PersandHenley faculty authors:
Dr Gita Persand A.D. ClareHenley faculty authors:
Dr Gita Persand O.T. HenryHenley faculty authors:
Dr Gita PersandHenley faculty authors:
Dr Gita PersandHenley faculty authors:
Dr Gita Persand A. D. Clare- J. W. Dalle MolleHenley faculty authors:
Dr Gita Persand Simon P. Burke- Saeed HeraviIntroductory Finance/Trading Simulation I
This module aims to provide the student with an overview of the financial system. This will include an overview of the role that the financial system plays in the economy...
Financial Modelling
Financial Modelling: Provides a rapid introduction to using MS Excel to solve a variety of practical problems related to finance. Many careers in banking and finance now require candidates to...
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Brooks, C., Clare, A. D., Dalle Molle, J. W. and Persand, G. (2005) A comparison of extreme value theory approaches for determining value at risk. Journal of Empirical Finance, 12 (2). pp. 339-352. ISSN 0927-5398 doi:10.1016/j.jempfin.2004.01.004
Brooks, C., Burke, S. P., Heravi, S. and Persand, G. (2005) Autoregressive conditional kurtosis. Journal of Financial Econometrics, 3 (3). pp. 399-421. ISSN 1479-8417 doi: 10.1093/jjfinec/nbi018
Brooks, C. and Persand, G. (2003) Volatility forecasting for risk management. Journal of Forecasting, 22 (1). pp. 1-22. ISSN 1099-131X doi: 10.1002/for.841
Brooks, C. and Persand, G. (2003) The effect of asymmetries on stock index return value-at-risk estimates. Journal of Risk Finance, 4 (2). pp. 29-42. ISSN 1526-5943 doi: 10.1108/eb022959
Brooks, C., Clare, A.D. and Persand, G. (2002) A note on estimating market–based minimum capital risk requirements: a multivariate GARCH approach. The Manchester School, 70 (5). pp. 666-681. ISSN 1467-9957 doi: 10.1111/1467-9957.00319
Brooks, C. and Persand, G. (2002) Model choice and value-at-risk performance. Financial Analysts Journal, 58 (5). pp. 87-97. doi: 10.2469/faj.v58.n5.2471
Brooks, C., Henry, O.T. and Persand, G. (2002) The effect of asymmetries on optimal hedge ratios. Journal of Business , 75 (2). pp. 333-352.
Brooks, C., Clare, A.D. and Persand, G. (2002) An extreme value theory approach to calculating minimum capital risk requirements. Journal of Risk Finance, 3 (2). pp. 22-33. ISSN 1526-5943 doi: 10.1108/eb043485
- Financial risk management
- Financial econometrics
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